(revised 11/19/13)



This body shall be known as the White River Baptist Association of Indiana, Inc.; hereafter referred to as the Association.


SECTION I: The membership of this Association shall be composed of messengers elected to represent cooperating Southern Baptist churches/missions. The doctrinal beliefs and practices of these churches/missions shall conform to the current “Baptist Faith and Message,” adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention.

SECTION II: Each church/mission shall be entitled to send three messengers to the Annual Association Meeting for the first fifty members and one additional messenger for each additional fifty members or fraction thereof. No church/mission shall be entitled to send more than ten messengers. A church shall not count the membership of its mission(s) in determining the number of messengers.

SECTION III: The Association reserves the right to reject messengers from any church/mission which shows itself to be unorthodox in faith and practice, or which willfully and persistently creates discord by refusing to comply with the spirit of this constitution as determined by the credentials committee (composed of elected Associational officers).

SECTION IV: Any church/mission wishing to unite with this body shall petition the Association for recognition, and shall present the regular uniform church letter. The credentials committee shall investigate and make suitable recommendation to the Annual Association Meeting.


SECTION I: The purpose of this Association shall be to promote harmonious activity in carrying out the great commission of our Lord, (Matthew 28:19-20), in cooperation with other churches/missions of our denomination.

SECTION II: This body shall exercise no authority over the internal affairs of any church/mission.


SECTION I: The officers of this Association shall be moderator, assistant moderator, clerk, assistant clerk, treasurer, and assistant treasurer.

SECTION II: All officers and program directors shall have job descriptions which specify duties and responsibilities.

SECTION III: A slate of officers and program directors shall be presented by the nominating committee at the third executive committee meeting for election at the annual Association meeting.

SECTION IV: The moderator shall serve for no more than three consecutive years.


SECTION I: There shall be an Executive Committee of the Association which shall meet every two months and be responsible for all the business of the Association between annual sessions. The voting members of this committee shall be composed of the pastor of each church/mission, and two members from each church/mission who shall be elected annually by their church/mission; the Associational officers listed in Article IV: Section I; the program directors of each organization of the Association. A minimum of ten voting members shall be required to conduct business.

SECTION II: The nominating committee shall present all other committees to the Annual Association Meeting for election.


SECTION I: The churches/missions affiliated with this body shall furnish annually to the Association the information requested by the uniform church letter.

SECTION II: All Associational staff and program directors shall submit a written report for the Annual Association Meeting.


The Association shall meet annually at such time and place as it may select by majority vote, upon recommendation of the committee on time, place, and preacher. The minutes of the annual meeting of the Association shall be published. Any changes between annual sessions shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee. A minimum of twenty voting messengers shall be required to conduct business.


SECTION I: Amendments to the constitution shall be presented in writing to the Executive Committee prior to the annual meeting and copies sent to all churches/missions. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing at the first session of the annual meeting and voted on in the second session. Amendments to the constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the messengers present.

SECTION II: By-laws shall be amended by being presented in writing at the first session and voted by simple majority in the second session of the annual meeting.




All meetings of the Association shall be opened and closed with prayer.


This body shall recognize “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised,” as its standard for business procedures.


The Association shall elect a board of trustees [three in number] according to the articles of incorporation on file with the Secretary of the State of Indiana. Said trustees are authorized to hold, purchase, and receive title to real estate or other property and to borrow money, sell, or convey the same or any part parcel, or portion thereof, when so directed by the Association.


There shall be an Associational council composed of the moderator, program directors, and chairmen of all standing committees. The chairman of the Associational Council shall be determined by the vote of the Associational Council and may be selected from among the council members or any person outside the council deemed qualified for such leadership.

Adopted by the Association
Date September 17, 2011